Low Price: 17 Secret ADD ADHD Vitamins

17 Secret ADD ADHD Vitamins

17 Secret ADD ADHD Vitamins

Kindle Debut 90% off pricing (will be .99 soon!)

In this book you will learn the specific vitamins and nutrients that most ADD ADHD people lack.

More importantly, I show you easy ways to get these very important vitamins and nutrients.

From the Introduction...

Over the past decade I have been on a mission to help illuminate the Truth about ADD ADHD. Our society offers only one solution, drugs. If drugs were the answer there would be no need for a book like this. If ADD drugs like Adderall, Ritalin, and Vyvanse fix the root cause of ADD ADHD then there is no need to be concerned with nutrition.

We do not have a Ritalin deficiency, we have a nutritional deficiency.

Over the past decade I have been on a mission to help illuminate the Truth about ADD ADHD. Our society offers only one solution, drugs. If drugs were the answer there would be no need for a book like this. If ADD drugs like Adderall, Ritalin, and Vyvanse

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